Thursday, May 5, 2011

Update #3

We just talked to the surgeon, who is all done with her. Ev is being taken to recovery and we will seek her in 45 minutes or so.

The doctor said it went really well, that as soon as she was relaxed under the anesthesia her hip went right back into place easily, and that when they looked at it with the dye under the x-ray, the socket looks great. He said that there is a good chance she doesn't need the full 12 weeks in the cast, so we will see what it looks like at the 6 week mark (when we come back and do all this again).

We can't wait to see her and will update with a picture when we do!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


  1. How happy I was to see this entry. I had offered a prayer just before looking at your website. All the best for Evie's quick recovery!
    Linda Bassett

  2. Hi Guys,
    So thrilled that all is going well. Can't wait to hear more. Love you all tons! XOXOX
