Tuesday, August 16, 2011


When Ev got her cast off, I was mentally prepared for a pretty long road of getting stronger before she hit milestones like crawling, pulling up, and standing. Turns out I have been very pleasantly surprised :) Every day for the last week or so, Ev has gotten noticeably stronger and able to do things with much more ease or has added new physical skills to her repertoire (a separate post will come sometime soon about the verbal skills, but suffice it to say that we know she really, really, really likes dogs).

But today we had major excitement when she was able to pull herself up to a standing position!! She did it earlier in the day on the dishwasher door, so I set up a couple cushions that were about the same height. Here she is!

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Learning more every day ...

It has been 3 1/2 weeks and I can hardly remember her having the cast on. It should go without saying that we are really enjoying Evie being free from her cast - but the verdict was still out for a while because the sleeping was. so. bad. After a few she's-just-going-to-have-to-figure-it-out-nights of a lot of crying, things are on the upswing (finally) and we're getting longer stretches of sleep each night. Thank goodness - because to go from her sleeping 11-12 hours a night to 2-3 hours at a time was no fun. So now we're almost back to normal (only took almost a month!).

Every day, Evie's legs get stronger and she is able to move more and more like a kid her age should be. She crawls pretty normally sometimes - and other times still pulls her body along with her arms like she is in the cast. She is starting to crawl up and over things - pillows, mom and dad ... and also has figured out how to get off a mattress onto the floor without hurting herself (the mattress is on the floor, people, not on the bed. Ev is great but not that talented). In the last week, she has figured out how to sit up completely by herself, and can get from lying down to sitting up and vice versa. Just in the last 3-4 days she has been able to put most of her weight on her legs when we hold her up, which is great progress. Right after she got the cast off, her legs were like jello, and so it has taken quite a while for her to build up the muscles there.

We are in Knoxville visiting my parents right now, so here are some pics and videos from this week!

Obviously not the correct way to be in the float, but Ev thought it was fun anyway ... 
Just barely caught her waving at the camera ...
Sitting up in the bath!
We went to visit Granddaddy at work :)

And we went out on the boat. The life jacket was not Ev's favorite part of it :)
Putting weight on her legs ...

Perfect weekend with Grandma and Granddaddy!

Monday, August 1, 2011

Every baby's cuter with a 'stache

We had a surprise party for my friend Emily last weekend. The theme? Mustaches. 

Babies with mustaches = too funny not to share.

Ev's friend Tyson - he is 6 days older than her but is going grey already ;)

And Judah really, really, really did not like his 'stache.