Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Bath! (sort of)

Evie has been a little stinky lately. Not in the diaper (due to the iron in her vitamins - we would actually like her to be a little stinkier in this department), and not in her personality (because she is so sweet, as usual), but in her neck. The child has a nice roll between her neck and her shoulders, and it's a little hard to clean. It is especially hard to clean when we are trying to keep the cast dry.

So this afternoon, after a particularly messy meal, I had had enough and decided to try to clean her more thoroughly than I've been able with just a damp washcloth.

We put a garbage bag over her from the top of the cast down and cinched the drawstring (and realized we were going to have to make this 'bath' quick because she really liked chewing on the plastic. Ew). We layered her bathtub with blankets to make it comfortable, and stuffed some paper towels inside the top of the garbage bag to catch any water that dripped in.

And we put her by the kitchen sink and washed up. She was pretty confused by why only the top half of her body had water on it, but always enjoys water pouring over her. And now she smells like herself again. Ah.

1 comment:

  1. Love this! It does not surprise me at all that you have managed to find a way to give her a tub bath while tied up in a garbage bag :) hilarious. I'm glad her neck is smelling better- those rolls can cause some funkiness, for sure. Mysterious, smelly neck cheese is the worst! Love you all. Baby Ev is a doll.
