Saturday, May 7, 2011

Day 2

We have 42 days in the (first) cast. We're on Day 3 now. Woo.

Yesterday was our first full day home, and it wasn't too bad. Ev took a couple short naps in her crib, so that was great progress. When she wasn't sleeping, she was either trying to go to sleep (it took almost an hour each time) or playing downstairs with mom :) As it turns out, the beanbag works great. Her abs are strong enough that she can sort of lift her upper body up, which may mean she can topple out of it (so dangerous) so she can't be in there unattended. I imagine if she were even just a few weeks younger it wouldn't be a problem at all.

So by the end of yesterday, I was pretty nervous about how she would be at night. She only slept for 1 - 1.5 hours for each nap and didn't seem to be sleeping all that well. So we did our normal afternoon evening routine (eating food around 5, going for a walk (Steve just carried her), nursing around 7, read a book, sing a song, then to bed in her crib). She cried for a little bit so I went up and just sang to her until she was in a comatose-like state. Then she fell asleep at 8:20 AND SLEPT UNTIL 4:30. Glorious. She went back to sleep after nursing until about 7:45. And now we're about to try our hand at another nap.

I'll put details about diapers and sleeping arrangements in separate posts once I have a chance to take pictures. We have successfully navigated every diaper change, including one very poopy one, so my mission to have a clean cast is off to a good start. Hoorah.

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