Friday, May 13, 2011

Booster Seat

The booster seat arrived! And it works :)

The pictures aren't great but my camera was upstairs ... and the one thing about this seat is that you for sure cannot leave a kid unattended in it. At least not my kid - she could tip right over if she tried hard enough.

But she can sit! Her legs sort of hang over the edge, and we put blankets or padding behind her to keep her upright enough & in case she throws her head back against the chair.

And then there is the tray. It is way bigger than I expected. It has long straps that go all the way around her & the chair. But, like the booster, it works (Sort of. You can't put anything heavy on it or anything that could tip & spill). I put cheerios on it today and she tried them for the first time. We actually may use it in the car too, so that there is something most of the way around her to catch toys as they fall.

So glad we have a way to feed her now that doesn't involve one of us holding her!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sarah!!! So I saw Aimee tonight and she recalled that I had a daughter with the same thing as Evie.....! Wow, what a flood of memories. Brianna is now 16, and perfect! Unfortunately the course to perfection is hardest on the parents. I love your website and admire your positive, proactive approach handling this. Call me if you ever need anything!!!! Carolyn Layton
