Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Surgery: Almost-plans and Actual-plans

We got a call this morning from Evie's surgeon's office. It was the surgery scheduler. She tells Steve that Evie's surgery on Thursday is scheduled. For 2 pm. So she launches into the "She can't have any food or breastmilk after  7 am, no clear liquids after 11 ..."

It took us a second to really understand what she was saying.

"You mean the surgery's not in the morning?"

"You mean she can't eat all day? She's only 8 months old. Not sure we can do that."

"Um, are you sure there is not any other way, because this is not acceptable. We're going to have to figure something else out."

Fortunately, this lady is about one of the nicest people ever so she called back about 20 minutes later to let us know that she talked to the hospital and they were able to get an OR open at 10 am. So now it's just no eating after 3 am. Not quite as bad (let's be clear - not as good as just not eating between midnight and her surgery time of 7:30, like the last time), but that's the time - surgery at 10 am. 46 hours and counting!

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