Thursday, June 16, 2011

A pink cast

They just called from the OR to ask what color cast we want. Yes, pink again. We assume this means they were able to get the hip in with no problem and are casting her now.

It's a little later than we anticipated (her surgery just got started but was scheduled for an hour and a half ago) - and she was not a happy camper for the extra 90 minutes we were in pre-op. Sweet thing was so hungry and tired. But fortunately she enjoyed waltzing with Dad and that cheered her up a little while we were hanging out in the playroom.

While there, we had a pretty awkward conversation with a chaplain and her sidekick (who, also awkwardly, just sat and listened to us talk). They prayed for Ev, which was sweet - and called her Emily. Haha.

Waiting. She looks scared!

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