First things first- the surgery will be at 7:30 am on Thursday. This means we have to be at the hospital at 6 am. Lovely. No feeding her after midnight. Sweet Ev will be so hungry all day Thursday! I have read that babies generally don't eat well for about a day after the surgery because they are still so groggy and therefore don't suck well. Should be fun ;)
God has been providing for us so well. Two clear examples:
1. Ev is on a medication to help her hemangiomas shrink. Look at how well it works:
On her neck - early December |
Today! Hardly there! |
When we scheduled the surgery last week, her doctor who prescribed this suggested that we wean her off before the surgery. Every other time we've missed a couple doses or tried to decrease the amount, it's been a disaster. Because the medicine is a beta-blocker, which blocks adrenaline in the nervous system, when you suddenly are not on it, your adrenaline goes bananas. There was a weekend in February when she missed a couple doses and she literally couldn't sleep for more than a couple hours at a time. Like I said, disaster. Also, the hemangiomas started to look a lot bigger if she wasn't on it. But not this time! We cut her dose on Friday and Saturday, skipped Sunday, gave her a little yesterday, and haven't had any since. The hemangiomas aren't growing back, and she has been sleeping normally. Totally not what we expected, but such a relief!
2. We had a check-up today with Evie's dermatologist. When I told her about the surgery, she gave me the name & phone number for the parents of another patient of hers who is a little girl just a few months older than Ev, had the same surgery and got her cast off just last month. It will be such an encouragement to talk to people who have been through this (and at the same hospital and with the same orthopedic practice too!) so recently. I will be interested to hear what advice they have for us.
God is good! We are thankful for all your prayers - they are already being answered.
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