Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Last Day

Well, not the "last day." But it kind of feels like it. It's like when you were graduating from college (or high-school, or whatever) and everything was your last - last class, last weekend, last lunch at xyz cafeteria. Remember that? It was super depressing, right? 

Today was a teensy bit like that, except not totally depressing. Ev spent for-e-ver in the bath today, and, ironically, finally figured out how to really, really splash with both her legs and arms. She had music class (loved it, as usual), and played a lot on the floor at home this afternoon. I wanted to give her as much time as possible to be mobile, because it was her last day (for a while at least) to roll around. But I tried hard not to be melodramatic (about it being the "last day"). If you know me, you know that was some pretty hard tryin'. 

It helped that some dear friends came over this evening to pray for her. It was a sweet time (even though I missed most of it to nurse her and put her in bed). Lots of people are praying for a miracle tomorrow. I am too. How awesome would it be if a nurse came out and said, listen, we don't know why, but we don't need to cast her. The hip is a-okay. It would be awesome.

But here's the thing: because I 100% believe it would be possible for God to work a miracle here and heal her hip, I know that if, tomorrow morning, she ends up in a cast - or ends up needing the more extensive surgery, it is because God has a plan for it. No, it won't be fun, and I won't be thrilled about it, but I will chose to trust and remember that God is good. He will take care of his children (and his children's children).

You'll hear from me tomorrow from the hospital. Surgery's at 7:30. Thanks for praying!

Wouldn't it be fun if Ev could update you directly?
We're working on it.


  1. Reid and I will be praying for you guys! She is so blessed to have such wonderful parents!

  2. I will be praying for Ev tomorrow! I'm glad you only got emotional about the ultimates and not the penultimates and antepenultimates ;-) If she is casted, we can look forward to counting down the days to the anteanteantepenultimate days of her in the cast.

  3. Hahaha amen to that. Although on Tuesday I did keep thinking about it being the penultimate day ...
