Saturday, April 30, 2011

Getting Ready

Knowing that Ev's surgery is less than a week away, we've been trying to cram in lots of things that will be hard to do with her in a full body cast. We're giving lots of baths, rolling & scooting around like crazy on the floor, and cuddling lots with those big chunky thighs. Today was the first nice day we have had in a while (we enjoyed tornado warnings off and on for the last week) and so we went to the zoo!

We had a great time, but I confess that it was bittersweet, since we realized quickly that even on a day like today, when it was in the 70s, Evie got pretty warm (it's all that body fat) and so it would probably be miserable for her with the cast on. We cooled off with water and promised ourselves we'd return every cool summer day and evening that we can. 

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