In other news, John is a month old today and, although he seems to be going through some kind of growth spurt/sleep regression (aka he used to be a great day & night sleeper - now he is most definitely struggling with the night-time sleep ...), he's been a fantastic baby to have in our family (as if I could feel any differently).
Parenting two kids was sort of summed up for me with a moment we had today in the car - on our way home from music class + park (because Evie's favorite favorite thing to do these days is swing), John was screaming bloody-murder. Like, harder than he's cried in his life. Of course, a lot of this was due to the face that he was hungry and hot - my fault for not paying much attention to what he was wearing or to the clock to notice we needed to leave the park to get him home to nurse - but I digress. He's screaming, and so I have music playing loud so that I am a little distracted from it - and I hear this little voice behind my seat, "ja ja ... ja ja." I turn around and see Ev leaning as far as she can toward him, saying his name over and over in her sweet sweet little voice. And instead of feeling all stressed out about the crying, my heart just melted at her sweetness towards him.
And I thought about how, at music class, she wasn't even participating in the goodbye song (her favorite favorite song) because she was leaning over John's carseat singing to him. And how when he cries, she says "mommy, milk!" And how when she wakes up in the morning, the first thing she asks for after mommy and daddy is for "baby" - and she doesn't stop asking until she sees him (which isn't the greatest thing all the time, like this morning when he was fast asleep until she barged in the room calling out for "baby?!"). And how now she knows that I pat his back to burp him - so she asks to pat his back as soon as she sees that he's finished nursing. SO. Having two kids is no joke, but man. It is awesome.
Happy birthday to John-John and happy one-month of big-sisterhood to Ev. One month in and we are loving it :)
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